March 23, 2014

Create STUDIO - The Journey

The Pitch

Style frames, Mind maps, Mood boards, Diagrams... 
It's amazing now with the project complete, to look at how it all started. Above are some of the initial frames from the pitch document I created. Combine Dance and Paint? It seemed crazy back then.

The Storyboard

Precious storyboard
Everything took shape with planning. A storyboard helps to plan the shots I had in mind and then those drawings are used to create an animatic synced with the music provided.

The Shoot

Cool location for a video shoot with green screen
This is when everything that was planned comes together. Every detail needs to be recorded and I had to direct the shoot from the weird vision I had in my head.

The Animation

My neat workspace
After that, everything was done on my computer. It was hard work and it took a while to do the edit, animation, effects and colour correction, but the result was worth it in the end.

It was indeed an enriching journey by creating this piece in collaboration with the friendly guys from the STUDIO channel.

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